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Profile of the Programme

While the courses are constructed on a strong base in first there years, fourth and last year selective courses are designed in a flexible structure for the students to be educated according to their field of interests. Project development is focused in every course.

Making researches with regard to graphic design issues by giving priority to the needs of our country and developments in the world is an another objective of the program. First year of the program is in a unique and distinct structure constituted by the courses for the students to provide the creativeness of the them to come to light, to improve their general knowledge, to strengthen their arthistic perception and to enable them to recognize better the field they prefer to choose. Courses such as Visual Culture, Perception and Arthistic Perception, Creative Drama, Aesthetic Assessment, Creative Expression forms, Computer Programs, Historical and Cultural Mediums in Art, Introduction to Graphic Design are given in first year. As from the second year vocational courses regarding graphic design and a theoritical and applied program supporting them with selective courses are perpetuated integrally. Achievement of courses partaking in Graphic Design Program and interns and Vocational English courses applied in our University are compulsory for graduation. It is anticipated that total 40 work days of interns following the third semester and before the seventh semester should be performed in instutions such as printing house, newspapers, advertising agency, publishing firms, internet companies, digital book software agencies, etc.