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Graduation Requirements

In order to be able to graduate from Ph.D. on Social Psychology, students need to accomplish a minumum of 240 ECTS of courses (20 ECTS is must and 70 ECTS is elective, in addition to 30 ECTS of seminar and 120 ECTS of thesis courses. Elective courses might be chosen from related lists with the approval of advisors. Ph.D. students who successfully complete the compulsory and elective courses and the seminar course take the Doctoral Qualifying Exam in the first 6 months following that. Those who fail this exam are given the right to a second exam. The Doctoral Qualifying Exam aims to evaluate the student's knowledge of general theoretical, methodological issues and thesis topic. Students who are successful in the exam are given two years to prepare their thesis, and the progress of their studies is evaluated by meeting twice a year by the Dissertation Monitoring Committee, of which the advisor is also a member. Students who have not been able to prepare their thesis although their studies are satisfactory are given an additional period of 2 years at the most. Students have to defend their thesis in front of a jury that decides by majority vote.