Home  »  Faculty of Commercial Sciences »  Program of Tourism Management

Profile of the Programme

Tourism Management Department provides a 4-year undergraduate education. In the department, students are given the opportunity to provide specialization in one of the sub-fields of accommodation management, gastronomy and macro business, with vocational elective courses to be chosen by students as of the fifth semester, in addition to basic courses on mathematics, economics, business administration and accounting. During their 4-year education, students complete 50 working days of Summer Internship and at least 400 hours of On-the-Job Training at Başkent University or other domestic or international 5-star hotels or accommodation enterprises with similar qualifications. The language of instruction is Turkish. In addition to professional English lessons, students are given the opportunity to take compulsory optional second foreign language (German, Spanish, Italian, Russian) courses during their 4-year education and to develop themselves in a second foreign language before graduation.