Home  »  Institute of Social Sciences »  Master's of Visual Communication Design with Thesis

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Has knowledge of current debates in the field and can produce innovative ideas that will contribute to the field.
  • Learns to scan written, visual and audio sources of information and use the information obtained from these in their own work within ethical rules.
  • Can interpret the information obtained from written, visual and auditory information sources by using the terminology of the field within the field and question this information within the framework of the epistemological approach.
  • Can visualize information gained from different sources in multiple ways, leaning on various design philosophies and ethical principles.
  • Can design and manage a visual communication process from start to finish.
  • Knows traditional and contemporary art movements; can adapt the impressions gained from these movements to their visual designs.
  • Can use innovative values such as innovation, sustainability and transnationalism effectively and correctly in their visual designs.
  • Recognizes digital culture and tools, and can produce visual designs in this direction.
  • Can carry out multidisciplinary studies in the field of visual communication with the knowledge and perspectives gained from different disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy.
  • As a supporting and reinforcing element of visual communication, have an idea of what the ideal sound and music design should be and can approach their designs with a holistic vision.
  • Recognizes digital technologies such as VR, AR, MR and can use them effectively in visual designs.
  • Gains the necessary knowledge, skills and equipment on multimedia communication design; can produce effective products.
  • Acquires the cultural equipment to support and nurture the ability to produce a visual design with original ideas; Being aware of the relational bond and context between idea and design, can put forward applications within this framework.
  • Can arrange visual materials in many ways to evoke different effects and emotions. Knows the relationship between regulation and meaning construction.
  • Can access the most up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge that can be used in academic and sectoral fields.