Home  »  Vocational School of Social Sciences »  Program of Bureau Management and Executive Assistance

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Has a basic level of knowledge about the facts, concepts and principles related to the executive assistant and secretarial profession and applies this knowledge in his/her institution.
  • Demonstrates basic reading, comprehension, speaking and writing skills in the English language.
  • Evaluates the developments related to the field with a critical approach within the framework of academic work discipline and ethical values and transfers them to the institution effectively.
  • Uses information and information technologies required by the field of Office Management and Executive Assistantship.
  • It develops appropriate and up-to-date strategies for the problems faced in the field of Office Management and Executive Assistant and provides effective governance by using the necessary technology.
  • Knows the national and international legal regulations, social, environmental and professional ethical values related to the field of Office Management and Executive Assistant and develops behaviors accordingly.
  • Communicates effectively in writing, verbally, nonverbally and visually, demonstrates presentation skills, works effectively as a team and independently.
  • Generates professional knowledge from data, synthesizes, analyzes, interprets and evaluates the produced information; gains the ability to conduct research and prepare projects, and by using the knowledge he/she has in solving problems, he makes his/her personal and professional development continuous.
  • It provides internal and external document flow, applies filing and archiving techniques in its institution.
  • Gain knowledge of general business, economics, sociology and psychology and comprehend strategies for human resource management, accounting and finance, management and marketing.
  • Office Management and Executive Assistant will have the intensity required by the field, the ability to work under stress, crisis, conflict and pressure, as well as occupational safety, worker health, environmental protection knowledge and quality awareness.