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Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Course grades ARTICLE 26? (1) At the end of a semester, one of the following letter grades for each course is given to students. It is given as. Letters and coefficients of letters are shown below: Letter Grade Coefficient A 4,0 A- 3,7 B+ 3,3 B 3,0 B- 2,7 C+ 2,3 C 2,0 Y 0,0 P 0,0 Z 0,0 F1 0,0 F2 0,0 (2) Other principles regarding grades are as follows: a) In order for a student to be considered successful in a course, he / she has the highest grade in a master's program minimum (C) and at least (C +) in doctoral / proficiency in arts program. b) Repeating the courses in which the student failed or the courses accepted as equivalent to them by the relevant EYK. must take. c) (E) grade; Those who cannot complete the required studies for the course due to the reasons stated in Article 28 or It is a temporary grade given to students who cannot take the final exam. ç) (Y) grade; Successful in thesis, term project, seminar, doctoral qualification and other non-credit courses given to students. d) (Z) grade; Failed in thesis, term project, seminar, doctoral qualification and other non-credit courses given to students. e) (P) grade; It is given to students who successfully continue their Master's Thesis II and PhD Thesis IV. f) (F1) grade; who failed a course despite attending the course, and the grade (F2) failed from that course due to absenteeism. is given to the students who are counted. g) (Y), (Z) and (P) grades are not included in the semester and cumulative grade average calculations.

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