Home  »  Institute of Educational Sciences »  Master's of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education with Thesis

Specific Admission Requirements

General admission requirements stated under Info on the Institution on this website are being applied to start this programme.

A canditate is expected to be graduated from following programs:
-Any program in a Education Faculty
-Department of Computer Engineering
-Department of Inormation and Document Management
-Other programs that include mainly courses related with computers and informatics
If a cantated is graduated from other departments, his or her application will be evaluated by the department. If accpeted, a taking extra scientific preparation courses would be requested.

One of the following minimum exam scores is required:
-GRE 610
-GMAT 450.

One of the following minimum exam scores for English is required:
-TOEFL CBT 170-172
-TOEFL PBT 497-499
-YDS : 55
-IELTS : 3,5
-For those who do not have any score from one of previous language xams, 55 point from the exam of Başkent University English Preparatory Unit is going to be accepted.

After application the general score for a candidate will be obtained by following scores and their weigth:
-Exam score from ALES or other exam: 50%,
-Score from interview: 30%,
-Score from graduate grade: 20%.
The minimum general score to apply is 65/100.