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General Information

The aim of Insurance department in Başkent University is to provide the need of educated and qualified personnel to the insurance industry which shows a great development in recent years in Turkey and also educate equipped individuals in insurance field.
Based on these grounds, Insurance Department offers a 4-year undergraduate education in line with the mission and vision of Başkent University. The language of instruction is Turkish. However, courses in English continue throughout the entire education for students to maintain their professional relations since the insurance sector has international characteristics.
In addition, during the 4-year education, to increase the knowledge and experience of our graduate candidates, training and practice support is taken from insurance companies, insurance agencies, insurance associations, Turkey Under secretariat of Treasury General Directorate of Insurance (T.C. HazineMüsteşarlığıSigortacılıkGenelMüdürlüğü) and Insurance Supervisory Board. Moreover, seminars, at which the top-level employees of these companies participate to share their experiences about the sector, are organized frequently, which targeted to be once a week.