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Profile of the Programme

The first year of the Graphic Design Program consists of basic courses (university/department) which are the first stage where students choose the disciplines in which they will professionalize in the future, and a lot of practical and theoretical content is given to improve their linear expression and design skills. Courses such as Liberal Education, Aesthetics, Basic Design, History of Art, and Computer Programs are given in first year.

From the second year, design education begins in Graphic Design Project courses and subdisciplines of graphic design, which are given in one or two semester courses. Vast disciplines encourage students to both think in a context and express themselves through verbal and literal presentation techniques and practices. Students take 13 elective courses during their education. In addition to the content of the field of design, these courses include various fields of art, printing courses such as graphic reproduction techniques, and structural/unique courses aimed to gain the advanced skills of the semester courses.

In order to graduate, students are obliged to fulfill the instructions for professional printing and office experience with the Internship I and Internship II courses in addition to the catalog courses. It is anticipated that totally 60 work days of interns following the third semester and before the seventh semester should be performed in institutions such as printing houses, newspapers, advertising agencies, publishing firms, internet companies, digital book software agencies, etc.

The Graphic Design Program is adapted to the changing technology and educational paradigms, and is constantly revised while prioritizing views and needs of students.