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Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

The success of the student in the courses is determined by evaluating the semester grades and the final exam grade together.Semester grades consist of midterm grade and grades given to homework, practices and practical works depending on the course.In the credit system, the type and weights of in-term and end-of-term evaluations (exam, homework, practice, etc.) are notified to the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design within the first two weeks of the semester by the lecturer and announced to the students by the relevant teaching unit management. In the final evaluation, one of the following letter grades is given by the lecturer of the course, taking into account the general success level of all students taking that course. Letter Grade, Coefficient, Grade Range (out of 100) A 4 95-100 A- 3,7 90-94 B+ 3,3 85-89 B 3 80-84 B- 2,7 75-79 C+ 2,3 70-74 C 2 65-69 C- 1,7 60-64 D+ 1,3 55-59 D 1 50-54 F1 0 0-49 F2 0 -

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