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Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Examination, assessment and grading regulations are determined by the "Baskent University Faculty Of Medicine, Education-Examination Regulation" As stated in Official Gazette on February 9, 2020, numbered 31034.

ARTICLE 23- (1): Grades used in evaluation of the examinations are below: 90-100: Excellent
80-89: Excellent
70-79: Good
60-69 : Fair
(2) Failing grades are:
a) F1: The grade for the absentee students. Those have not the right of attending the examination of the course their points are "0". They do not have make-up examination right, they repeat the course.
b) F2: The grade for the absentee students who have a justification for their absenteeism. Those do not have the right of taking the committee examination; their points are "0". They can have make-up examination; the grade of the examination is considered as the committee note.
c) F3: the grade for the students who dont attend any examination, although they have the right. Their point is "0". They can have the make-up examination.
d) F4: The grade for the students whose final examination point, make-up examination point, end year point, course point or course make-up examination point is under 60. They repeat the year or the course.
e) F5: Students who exceed the absenteeism duration determined by the Senatorial Committee, cannot have the end-year examination neither its make-up examination; their point is "0". In this case they repeat the year for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years; and the course for the 4th-6th years.
Succes evaluation of the non-medical courses
ARTICLE 24 - (1) Proceeding the non medical courses of the medical education program is compulsory. The "Başkent University Associate and Graduate Education and Examination Regulation" determine the examination rules of these courses. End year grade is "successful" or "unsuccessful". This grade is not included to the calculation of graduation achievement point.
(2) the students who proceeded the lectures but unsuccessful et the end of the year; are statutorily obliged to be registered into that course and have the examinations in the following year; they don't have to hear the lectures. The student cannot graduate without being "successful" in these courses. Repeating the year

ARTICLE 25 - (1) the students whose end-year point is under 60 are considered as "unsuccesfull" and they repeat that year.

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