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General Information

The need for nursing profession at international level is increased due to the aging population, increased health demands, and shortage of nurses all over the world. Our program aims to educate nurses capable of giving professional and qualified care at national and international level, in terms of health protection and promotion as well as supporting individuals requiring advanced care, sensitive to people and health problems, adopting professional ethical standards, carrying leadership role, believing in teamwork, aware of the importance of self and life-long learning, having autonomy and critical thinking skills, responding changes in healthcare requirements, having professional competence and responsibility, and paying attention to intercultural differences. The program will allow the student to make an effective career planning with compulsory and elective courses. The aim of the program is to provide the skills to students for taking part in every step of health services at national and international level.
Recently established, Bachelor of Health Science Program in Nursing in Engliash will be offering a five-year undergraduate program by the academic year 2022-2023. The academic language of the program is English. In our department, students begin to education with English preparing program for one year and continue to education for four years. Students graduate from our faculty with getting the title of nurse. The academic staff consists of 1 professor, 4 assistant professors and 1 lecturer.
The graduates of Nursing Program of Health Sciences Faculty at Baskent University:
1. Improve competencies required for profession and follow national and international improvements by adopting the principle of lifelong learning.
Performance indicators:
a) 10% of graduates will continue postgraduate education programs in either nursing or other disciplines within the first 5 years.
b) 20% of graduates will continue education in certification or other scientific programs to gain competency in profession.
2. Perform nursing care in cooperation with the team and sticking to ethical principles by holistic evaluation of the health requirements of individual-family-society.
Performance indicators:
a) The satisfaction level of individuals receiving care from the graduates is high (at least 70%).
b) The graduates have high performance indicators (at least 70%).
3. Take an active role in guiding the profession as clinician, educator, researcher and leader.
Performance indicators:
a) 90% of graduates will be employed within the first 3 years after graduation.
b) 5% of the graduates will be in academic or administrative positions within the first 5 years after graduation.