Home  »  Institute of Health Sciences »  Transplantation Immunology Master of Science Program with Thesis

General Information

Transplantation Immunology MSc. Program aims to provide training on transplantation immunology, which covers patient and donor selection, patient-follow-up and scientific research with utilizing up-to-date technological advances. The Department of Immunology is organized to train individuals at postgraduate level, who has the potential to contribute significantly to scientific progress at national and international standards. Trainees would achieve substantial knowledge and insight regarding practical, ethical and deontological aspects of immunological experiments, focusing transplantation immunology. In addition, trainees would have the ability to use latest technologies to predict the clinical outcomes in patients. Another prominent purpose of the program is to educate qualified scientists who can understand the fundamental principles of scientific conduct alongside the capacity of independent thinking and decision-making.
Transplantation is a vital procedure, which involves the transfer of an autologous, mostly allogeneic graft to replace the damaged tissue or organ. To pinpoint the most suitable recipient (patient) and donor is essential to anticipate the immunological reactions as well as to take mandatory measures to prevent/treat these reactions, increasing the success of transplantation process. Immunological parameters to be monitored have been defined by means of results obtained from studies conducted according to international standards. Trainees would have the appropriate qualifications for being competitive at Transplantation Immunology, which would benefit both science and society with increased quality and speed.