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Master in Cardiology Intensive Care with Thesis program, which is a first in the field of Cardiology in Turkey, started its activities within the body of Başkent University Health Sciences Institute with the letter of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education dated 04/06/21 and numbered 39154.

The mortality rate in coronary artery diseases, which is one of the most common and deadly disease in the society, started to decrease significantly with the introduction of coronary care units in hospitals in the 1960s. On the other hand, many complex clinical conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart, respiratory, liver and kidney failure can be found simultaneously in most patients followed in intensive care units. Today, cardiologists are not accepted to the Intensive Care training program, where physicians who will manage the treatment of these patients are trained, and the time allocated for cardiology training in this program is a short rotation practice of one month.

Baskent University Cardiology Intensive Care Master's program with thesis aims to train competitive scientists who can lead the diagnostic, treatment and research practices within the framework of social universal needs and ethical values, develop analytical and scientific thinking skills, plan scientific research and create academic publications, while at the same time provide high quality and fast service to the society.