International Programmes

Erasmus Student Exchange Program
Başkent University with its International Relations Coordination Office has effective communication with international institutions and organizations. It applied to the European Union European Commission aiming at the collaboration in education with the European Union countries and was awarded the Erasmus University Charter on 1 November 2004. Afterwards, it started the process of the student and staff exchange. In recognition of its hardwork and excellent performance, it has been awarded the Extended Erasmus University Charter covering 2007-2013 academic years to perform its international educational operations on a wider area. With the extension of the Charter, our students have the chance to spend one or two semesters of their training in the European Union and gain experience by participating in the exchange programs. They can also transform their theoretical knowledge into practice during their training courses. Benefits of Participation in the Erasmus Exchange Program and the Related International Partnerships:
  • Graduate and undergraduate students have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters within the scope of the program in one of the European Union countries they choose, and they are financed by the European Union Commission
  • Graduate and undergraduate students have the opportunity to do their training in Europe
  • Başkent University offers its students the opportunity to pursue their studies with foreign exchange students
  • Başkent University offers its students the opportunity to participate in the European Union Commission projects
  • The students may have the opportunity to be taught by the exchange academics coming from the universities included in the exchange program.
The Başkent University International Relations Coordination Office aims at offering the students a wide range of educational experience and opportunities.

Farabi Student Exchange Program
The student and faculty member exchange program between the higher education institutions in Turkey is called “The Farabi Exchange Program”, in which the universities and technological institutes exchange undergraduates, graduates, post-doctorals, and faculty members. The purpose of the Farabi Exchange Program is for students and faculty members to work and study at an institute of higher education other than their own.

The principles related to the implementation of the Farabi Exchange Program are specified in detail in the Program regulations.