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Department of Sociology was founded in 2016. There are two separate graduate programs, one with thesis and one without thesis. Sociology graduate thesis and non-thesis master programs consist of 4 academic semesters. There are 2 professors, 3 assistant professors, 5 assistant professors and 4 research assistants in the main sciences department.

Sociology is rapidly increasing its importance as a science that strives to understand and interpret the changes in the structures of societies, especially after important social turning points such as industrialization process and digitalization. Sociology in our country as well as in the whole world; In many fields, especially in the process of objective analysis of social structure dynamics, it emerges as a science that is greatly needed.
Within the aforementioned framework, it is clear that there is a greater need than in the past for individuals with sufficient training in their field and subject who will understand, analyze, evaluate, interpret the social structure, which depends on the dynamics of the society, both locally and globally. Sociologists are employed in many public institutions and organizations, and there is now a greater need for employees who have received sociology training in private sector and non-governmental organizations. In this context, the contribution of individuals who received postgraduate education in sociology departments that provide quality education and training, both to our country and to our society, is extremely obvious.
From this point of view, the main purpose of the Department of Sociology, which was opened at the Social Sciences Institute of Başkent University; Having the sociological perspective that our country needs, able to analyze the social structure, expert in the field, gained experience in qualitative and quantitative research, sensitive to social and cultural reality, equipped with theoretical and methodological equipment, able to conduct research on the socio-economic situation of Turkey, have access to international literature. is to produce judge graduates.